EtherScope网络通在TechXNY获奖-Best of Show
2004-11-15    安恒公司   
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ES网络通EtherScope 在 TechXNY获得"Best of Show"奖


 福禄克网络最新的EtherScope ES-LAN 网络通在TECHXNY大会技术主题周上赢得了网络解决方案类最佳展示奖——该会议是东海岸地区规模最大且最成功的服务于技术业界的IT年会。

ES 网络通是一款手持式网络分析仪,可以帮助您对10/100/1000Mbps企业网络进行快速的安装、维护和故障诊断。它可以搜索网络和VLAN、识别网络设备、确定交换机连通性并许可交换机配置。ES网络通还可以根据协议和设备提供网络利用率统计信息。识别出错误后,ES网络通还可以提出修复建议。

TECHXNY大会展示主管Christina Condos说:“年度大会上的最佳展示奖授予对象为最具创新力的个人技术和企业IT产品、解决方案和程序。我们接收了100多种参选产品,这意味着一旦获奖就一定是好上加好的产品。我们对福禄克网络公司的杰出技术与产品表示祝贺”。

EtherScope Network Assistant wins "Best of Show" at TechXNY

Fluke Networks new EtherScope Network Assistant captured the Best of Show award in the Networking Solutions category at TECHXNY during Technology Week - the largest and most successful IT business event serving the technology industry on the East Coast.

"The Best of Show awards recognize the most innovative personal technology and corporate IT products, solutions and programs at this year's event," said Christina Condos, show director, TECHXNY. "We received a more than 100 entries, which means those chosen as winners are truly the best of the best. Congratulations to Fluke Networks for their outstanding technology."


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